Bazel Blog

Introducing Bazel 7.2’s Output Service protocol


Bazel Q2 2024 Community Update


BazelCon 2024, Oct 14-15 at the Computer History Museum, Mountain View

During last year’s BazelCon keynote, we issued a challenge: “Let us organize BazelCon together!” We were thrilled when community members from, BuildBuddy, EngFlow, Gradle, Salesforce, and Tweag took us up on this offer. Over the past few months, we've been working together to make this vision a reality.

Bazel Q1 2024 Community Update


Bazel Plugin for IntelliJ Community Update (Q2 '23 - Q1 '24)

Master branch vs Google branch The Bazel IntelliJ plugin has had two main branches (master and google) for almost two years now. We created this structure to more easily accept contributions from the community, including those that are not too applicable or relevant for Google.

Bazel 7.0 LTS

Bazel 7.0 has been released!

BazelCon 2023 Recap: Recordings and Birds of a Feather Session Notes

Last month, we hosted BazelCon 2023 in Munich, Germany, marking the first-ever BazelCon in Europe.

Android Platforms in Bazel 7.0

Many rules in the Bazel ecosystem have migrated to using the platforms and toolchains systems. We're excited to announce that, as of Bazel 7.0, the built-in Android rules are joining this group.

Bazel Q3 2023 Community Update


Build without the Bytes is enabled by default in Bazel 7

After the many improvements made over past years, we have recently turned on Build without the Bytes by default - the first release to include this change will be the upcoming Bazel 7 LTS.