Bazel Blog

BazelCon 2024, Oct 14-15 at the Computer History Museum, Mountain View

During last year’s BazelCon keynote, we issued a challenge: “Let us organize BazelCon together!” We were thrilled when community members from, BuildBuddy, EngFlow, Gradle, Salesforce, and Tweag took us up on this offer. Over the past few months, we've been working together to make this vision a reality.

Today, we are happy to announce that BazelCon 2024 will be held on Oct 14-15 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. This year’s event is sponsored by BuildBuddy, Google and EngFlow as platinum sponsors, and by and Tweag as silver sponsors. The event will be run by the Linux Foundation.

We will set up registration and a call for presentations in the next few weeks, stay tuned!