Bazel Blog

Bazel Q2 2024 Community Update


BazelCon 2024

The Bazel community, in partnership with The Linux Foundation, is excited to announce BazelCon 2024, taking place on October 14-15 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA.

Thanks to our sponsors, Google, BuildBuddy, EngFlow, Trace Machina, AspectBuild, Gradle, Tweag, and VirtusLab, we invite you to join us for two days of insightful presentations, networking opportunities, and engaging discussions on all things Bazel. Registration is now open.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Developer satisfaction survey results

Thank you to everyone that participated in our Q1 2024 developer satisfaction survey! We've read through all submissions and we hear your feedback. While the majority of respondents expressed satisfaction with Bazel, we acknowledge the concerns raised and recognize the areas for improvement.

Key takeaways from the survey include:

  • Strong satisfaction with remote caching, Starlark, and community engagement.
  • Challenges with IDE integrations and the transition to Bzlmod.
  • High demand for improved documentation on writing rules and multi-platform builds.
  • The need for more beginner-friendly resources and clearer documentation on version-specific features.

Your feedback is invaluable as we prioritize future improvements. We appreciate your patience and continued support as we strive to make Bazel even better. Stay tuned for more updates!

Product updates


Bazel 7.2.0 was released in Q2 ‘24, along with patch releases 7.2.1 and 7.1.2.

Bazel 7.3.0 is in progress and scheduled to be released in August. Follow the release tracker issue for updates.

Improvement of versioned docs

Thanks to Fabian Meumertzheim’s contribution (#22725), you can now easily switch between different versions of the same page in the versioned docs. Take a look at the example below.

Enforcement of cherry-pick criteria

To help keep Bazel stable, minimize regressions, and reduce the need for frequent patch releases, we'd like to enforce some of our rules for code changes after the first release candidate is released. This means:

  • Only high-priority / critical fixes will be accepted
  • New features will be postponed to the next release

Take a look at the release page for more details.

Community corner

The community went on a creative spree this quarter! A huge thank you to all the authors that contributed their time and knowledge to create amazing educational content for all Bazel users. 🔥

Bazel Pod - Aspect Insights

The Aspect Build team, with Alex Eagle as a host, created a Bazel podcast!

You can listen to other episodes in the YouTube playlist.

Amsterdam Bazel Community Day

On March 25th, EngFlow (recap) and (recap) held the 7th Bazel Community in the headquarters. Check out the recordings of the sessions:


Reach out the email(s) listed below if you’d like to be added to the SIG calendar invites.

SIG Meeting frequency Point of contact
Rules authors Every two weeks
Android app development Monthly
Bazel plugin for IntelliJ Monthly
Remote execution API working group Monthly

Interested in learning about SIGs or starting a new one? Find more information on our website.

Want to get your SIG listed? Please add it to the Community repository.

Ideas, feedback, and submissions are welcome!

Thank you for reading this edition! Let us know if you’d like to see any new information or changes in future community updates by reaching out to We look forward to hearing from you.


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