Many rules in the Bazel ecosystem have migrated to using the platforms and toolchains systems. We're excited to announce that, as of Bazel 7.0, the built-in Android rules are joining this group.
After the many improvements made over past years, we have recently turned on Build without the Bytes by default - the first release to include this change will be the upcoming Bazel 7 LTS.
Since the official launch of Bzlmod in Bazel 6.0 in December 2022, the team has been hard at work improving Bzlmod in time for enabling it by default in 7.0, slated to be launched by the end of this year. This blog post will give you an idea of what we've done so far, and what changes you can expect in the future.
Product updates
New Bazel Product Partner Program is now live!
Dear Bazel Community,
Welcome to the Q1 2023 edition of the Bazel Plugin for IntelliJ Community Update!
Welcome to the Q1 '23 edition of the Bazel community update! Our goal is to build a stronger community and encourage more participation by keeping you informed on what’s happening in this space.
We are excited to announce that GitHub Discussions is now enabled for the Bazel GitHub project. This is a new channel for the Bazel community to collaborate, share ideas, ask questions, and provide feedback on the Bazel project, all without the need to open issues.