Bazel Blog

Bazel 6.0 LTS

Bazel 6.0 launched!

Build performance metrics

Probably every Bazel user has experienced builds that were slow or slower than anticipated. In this blog post we will provide a list of options on how to gain more insights into the performance of a Bazel build.

Bazel Community Round-up for August 2022

Welcome to the August issue of the Bazel Community Round-up, where we collect and share content about Bazel over the month.

Bazel 5.3

Bazel 5.3 is a minor LTS release. It is fully backward compatible with Bazel 5.0 and contains selected changes by the Bazel community and Google engineers.

Bazel Community Round-up for June & July 2022

Welcome to the first issue of the Bazel Community Round-up, where we collect and share content about Bazel over the month. Read on!

Announcing Bazel & JetBrains co-maintenance of IntelliJ IDEA Bazel Plugin

Announcing Bazel & JetBrains co-maintenance of IntelliJ IDEA Bazel Plugin

Bazel 5.2

Bazel 5.2 is a minor LTS release. It is fully backward compatible with Bazel 5.0 and 5.1 and contains selected changes by the Bazel community and Google engineers.

Bazel 5.1

Bazel 5.1 is a minor LTS release. It is fully backward compatible with Bazel 5.0 and contains selected changes by the Bazel community and Google engineers.

Launching the new and improved Bazel site

Launching the new and improved Bazel site

Bazel 5.0

Bazel 5.0 is a major release and Bazel’s second LTS release. It contains new features and backwards incompatible changes from 4.x, the previous LTS release.