Bazel Blog

BazelCon 2019 Videos and Birds of a Feather notes

We are truly thankful to everyone in our community for attending our annual Bazel Conference and making it a success! Check out the videos and Birds of a Feather session notes from the conference below:

BazelCon 2019 recap and Happy Holidays!

Last week we hosted our largest ever Bazel user conference - BazelCon 2019, an annual gathering of the community surrounding the Bazel build system.

Bazel 2.0

A new major version of Bazel, Bazel 2.0 has just been released. In particular, it brings some important flag flips that did not make it into Bazel 1.0.

Bazel 1.2

We've just released Bazel 1.2!

Bazel 1.1

We’ve just released Bazel 1.1! Bazel 1.1 is intended to be backward-compatible with Bazel 1.0.

Bazel Reaches 1.0 Milestone

Crossposted from Google Open Source Blog

Bazel 1.0

Bazel 1.0 has just been released. As we announced before we start following semantic versioning for Bazel releases. We'll maintain at least three-month stability windows between Bazel major (backward-incompatible) releases.

Update on using Protocol Buffers in Bazel

We’re pleased to announce that we updated the instructions for using Protocol Buffers in Bazel to reflect recent and upcoming changes to Bazel.

BazelCon 2019: Registration Open

**TL;DR: BazelCon 2019 will be in Sunnyvale, CA on December 11-12. Event Site

Exploring the IntelliJ Bazel Plugin's Sync Process

In this blogpost, we aim to understand IntelliJ with Bazel plugin's sync process by exploring the plugin's generated files and logs.