On 1st and 2nd of October 2019, Cloudflare, Bloomberg and Google will be hosting a Build Meetup at the Cloudflare offices in London.
The event will be themed around all things build and test. We’ll have developers and enthusiasts of Bazel, BuildStream, BuildXL, Dune, Pants and others on site. A special area of interest are Cloud Build Systems (aka Remote Execution).
On day one a series of talks will be presented:
- Build Systems a la carte - Andrey Mokhov (Jane Street)
- Dune: the Build System for Ocaml - Jeremie Dimino (Jane Street)
- Microsoft Remote Execution Internal Alpha Release - Erik Mavrinac (Microsoft)
- Observing process lifetime and filesystem accesses reliably on macOS - Kristijan Simic (Microsoft)
- One minute Presubmits - Eric Burnett (Google, RBE)
- Platforms & Toolchains - Gregory Estren (Google, Bazel)
- Buildstream - Benjamin Schubert (Bloomberg) & Tristan Maat (Codethink)
- Buildbox world - Jeremiah Bonney (Bloomberg) & Santiago Gil (Codethink)
On day two there will be plenty of time for collaboration, discussion and hacking.
The event will be attended by many Bazel developers. This is a great opportunity to chat and mingle with the people behind Bazel. If you'd like to attend the event please register here!