Part of Bazel vision is to create a multi-language build system: it should be possible to seamlessly use and mix multiple languages in a codebase and to orchestrate builds and tests with a single build tool. As a codebase gets bigger, this feature becomes more and more important.
When a user wants a build system to be multi-language, they might mean:
- Is the build system extensible? In other words, can I add support for a new language, even if it doesn't have much adoption yet, or if it is internal?
- How many languages are already supported?
- How big is the ecosystem?
- Does it provide a high level of quality for the languages I use?
- Can I use it in production?
Bazel allows you to create your own rules. More importantly, however, it allows rules to communicate and pass information using "providers." For example, if a rule depends on a C++ library, it might need to access the appropriate headers or the compiled library. This is extensible, because rules declare what they expect from their dependencies. Any rule implementing that interface (that is, returning the correct providers) will be accepted as a dependency. For this reason, the ecosystem can grow and you can create new rules that interact with existing rules.
Many rules exist for Bazel. A company like Google has more than a thousand internal rules, created by many teams, sometimes just for a single project, to handle their specific needs. Many other rules are public and shared in places like GitHub. The Awesome-Bazel page lists Bazel rules for many languages and tools. If you use a well-known language, it's likely you'll find an existing rule for it.
However, quantity doesn't imply quality. As with any open-source code published on the Internet, there is no guarantee that a repository is properly designed and maintained. To help users, we want to promote a set of high-quality rules that they can trust. Our website lists a few external rules, but we are working on a more principled process for recommendations - for example, we should recommend only rules that we have properly tested.
It's hard to find an objective measure of quality, but we can look at the user base of each rule. Some of them are actively maintained and used in production. For example, companies like Lyft and LinkedIn rely on the Swift rules. C++ rules are widely used by companies and projects, such as Tensorflow. Salesforce migrated to Bazel to build their Java codebase, Two Sigma uses Rust, while Square is experimenting with the Kotlin rules. The Scala rules are used by multiple companies, including Wix, Stripe, Meetup, and Spotify. Tweag has been developing Haskell rules and has migrated several of their customers to Bazel. Bazel can also build mobile applications, such as the Pinterest iOS application, or Tensorflow for Android.
This suggests that Bazel is a multi-language build system and can be useful and extensible beyond the few languages it originally supported.