Bazel Blog

Get ready for BazelCon 2020

With only 24 hours to go, BazelCon 2020 is shaping up to be a much anticipated gathering for the Bazel community and broader Build ecosystem. With over 1000 attendees, presentations by Googlers, as well as talks from industry Build leaders from Twitter, Dropbox, Uber, Pinterest, GrabTaxi, and more, we hope BazelCon 2020 will provide an opportunity for knowledge sharing, networking, and community building.

Announcing Bazel Long Term Support (LTS) releases

tl;dr Bazel will now provide Long Term Support (LTS) Releases as well as regular rolling releases.

Announcing the Bazel 4.0 release

We are happy to announce Bazel’s first Long Term Support (LTS) release, Bazel 4.0. To serve as a solid foundation for long-term support, Bazel 4.0 includes a number of updates intended to make it easier to use and extend the release's usefulness throughout the LTS track’s lifetime. These updates can be grouped into the following themes:

Bazel 3.7

Bazel 3.7 is a minor release. It is an incremental update to Bazel 3.6.

Bazel 3.6

Bazel 3.6 is a minor release. It is an incremental update to Bazel 3.5.

Bazel 3.5

Bazel 3.5 has just been released.

Bazel 3.4

Bazel 3.4 has just been released.

Bazel 3.3

Bazel 3.3 has just been released.

Bazel 3.2

Bazel 3.2 has just been released.

Bazel 3.1

Bazel 3.1 has just been released.